
Should I?

I guess I shouldn't turn up in your life anymore coz it just make both of us hurt. Slowly and slowly... Bila kita buat pilihan menyakitkan hati menyedihkan jiwa utk jalan Allah, jgn pernah rasa rugi. Allah akan sentiasa jaga kebahagiaan kita... Kalau dari awal lagi niat dah salah, tak mungkin Allah nak redha dengan apa yang berlaku. That's it. Segalanya bermula dengan niat. Nawaitu itself.

Bintulu, Sarawak.



Tweet Hari Tu If Korang Ingat Lahhh

credits. Si Burung yang Tak henti2 Menghantar Tweet Siang Malam :)

org yg dikenali :apa beza ktk ngan belon
tidak xkenali: xtauk kmk. 
org yg dikenali : belon landing kt darat. 
tp ktk landing kt hati kmk.

org yg dikenali: apa beza pisok dgn ktk? 
tidak dikenali: xtauk koh. apa jawapannya?
org yg dikenali: Pisok digunakan utk memotong sayuran dan buah, sedangkan ktk memotong sgala keraguan di hati kmk.

Okey, to geng2 Twitter Sang Penulis yang mungkin membaca entri ni, korang ingat tak Sang Penulis pernah tweet tentang ayat2 kat atas.. Haaa, nak cerite ni, sebenarnya ayat2 kat atas tu Sang Penulis ambik dari ucapan Pengacara Majlis masa majlis dinner tu tempoh hari and bukan orang yang cakap sendiri pada Sang Penulis.

Saja nak tweet kat Twitter sebab ayat dia sweet. Eheh. So, tak yah salah faham tak yah phening kepala. Okey, fullsettop. :P Well sebenaq nya nak cerita gak apa yang jadi tym Iftar with family petang tadi. Untuk juadah buka puasa petang tadi Sang Penulis beli Laksa Bintulu kat Bazaar Esplanade. Memang feveret Sang Penulis lah. So, belilah tadi.

Then tiba waktu makan. Entah kenapa, jari jemari Sang Penulis terlebih gerak sehingga kuah laksa jatuh atas lantai, tapi kemudian Sang Penulis teruskan makan sehinggalah...

Allah, memang Engkau Maha Berkuasa, ditakdirkan kuah tu ada lalat yang dah mati, mungkin gak lemas and pembuat laksa tak sedar lalu membungkus kuah laksa tersebut. Maha Berkuasanya Allah di mana dia mengilhamkan jari jemariku untuk bergerak sedemikian rupa untukku sedar bahawa kuah itu ada lalat. Ya lah kan, lalat tu betul2 nampak sebab tertumpah bersama dengan kuah yang jatuh tadi betul2 depan mata Sang Penulis.

Semua ni menyebabkan Sang Penulis sedar akan sesuatu, kuasa Allah lah yang menjadikan semua ini berlaku. Bukan nak riak, ujub atau menunjuk2 kat Sang Pembaca sekalian namun hal ni dah banyak kali berlaku pada Sang Penulis dan tiap kali ada something yang tak enak pasti akan ada sesuatu yang membantu Sang Penulis untuk sedar dan bila mana ada something yang sangat Sang Penulis takuti, pasti ada sesuatu yang luar biasa luar dari bidang kuasa Sang Penulis sendiri berlaku.

Di harap sedikit perkongsian dari Sang Penulis ni boleh dijadikan iktibar and pengajaran gak buat Sang Pembaca sekalian. In shaa Allah. Amiin. :)

SubhanAllah ya Allah. Nak tahu apa yang Sang Penulis lakukan sehingga jadi gini di mana Allah sedarkan andai sesuatu yang tak bagus sedang menanti and bantu bila Sang Penulis dalam kesusahan. It all depends on you actually, how you view the situation and how you depends on HIM, onnnnlyyy HIM. and also Ma'tsurat is one of the tips. Try not to tinggalkan ma'tsurat. If tak boleh baca pepanjang let say (3x) cuba baca (1x) untuk part tu. Teringat tentang satu words tu cakap gini, Kalau Tak Mampu Buat Semua Jangan Tinggal Semua.

Well, a very good words I guess. So true. Indeed.
Salam Ramadhan.

Bintulu, Sarawak


Jalan2 Cari Ketenangan.

Assammualaikum.. nama saya Gendut. Saya kucing baru kat rumah ni. Selamat Berkenalan. :P

Comel tak kucing dalam gambar ni. Ni lah kucing baru rumah kami, waktu saya ambik gambar ni dia tengah main key-chain yang digantung kat henpon Sang Penulis. Bulu dia memang panjang and sangat nakal suka ngat berlari-lari dalam rumah and menjatuhkan segala barang yang dia tertarik untuk bermainnya. Kucing kami yang lama namanya Si Chomel dok merajuk lepas hadirnya Si Gendut ni, kelakar pon ada gak sebab Si Chomel langsung tak nak masuk ruang tamu and terperap ja kat dapur gara2 tak nak bertembung dengan Si Gendut.

Dan kucing yang dua ekor kecik nama Susu and Soya pun da tak de da kat rumah kami. Nampaknya tak da jodoh lah diorang join kami Raya ni. Adik dah sedeyh giler sebab Susu and Soya dah tak dak dalam rumah. Buat pengetahuan korang, Susu and Soya ni kucing Siam and diorang sangat serupa macam kembar. Boleh dikatakan tengok sekali dua kali macam sangat sama kecuali kalau tengok setelitinya. Hehe..

Sang Penulis rasa lebih baik Sang Penulis banyak menulis and share apa yang terjadi dalam hidup Sang Penulis di sini sebabnya terlalu banyak sangkaan2 yang tak enak kalau Sang Penulis share di FB atau Twitter. Lagipun Sang Penulis rasa tak ada orang pon nak baca blog ni so rasa privasi tu sangat terjaga sebab orang tak berminat pon nak datang jenguk. (Mode: Redha dengan ketentuan blog

Pantai Temasya Bintulu. 27 July 2013

And alhamdulillah pagi ni berkesempatan jalan-jalan ke Pantai Temasya Bintulu menghirup udara segar and bermain di tepi pantai. Haha..abaikan ayat skema ini. Hoho. Okey, nak diceritakan, aku sorang ja kat tepi pantai pagi tadi. Memang tak ramai la orang sebab awal pagi lagi so Sang Penulis ambik peluang ni untuk bersuka ria sekejap. Heh. Mak and abang dok jauh sikit kat belakang, syoknya main air tapi tak puas lagi. Wuwuwuwu..:( next time in shaa Allah going there again, said Mom.

Alang-alang dah ada kat Tanjung Batu, Sang Penulis pon bawalah mak g buat terapi reflexology kaki. Punya sakit kaki Sang Penulis, tu lah pasal tak bersenam selalu. Ngehehe~~ Abang pon join sekali wat reflexology.

Reflexology Pantai Temasya Bintulu

Saja Sang Penulis cadangkan untuk gi jalan2 tepi pantai, entahlah. Fikiran tengah pusing memikirkan orang tu and stress pon ada. To you who I mean is, say what you want to say, I am sooooo confused with you and dont understand enough okey!

So then sambung cerita tadi, apa lagi.... Sang Penulis pon benar2 beria gi main tepi pantai. Haha.. agaknya ada tak yang nampak si baju merah and tudung merah cerah pagi tadi? Jeng jeng jeng... its me. Salam Ramadhan you alls. :P

Syim Mohammad :)
#PashminaDay #PantaiTemasyaBintulu # ReleaseStress

Bintulu, Sarawak

Penat dah Aku Fikir Pasal NI!

Kadang-kadang tu kita mayb suka kalau ada orang tegur kesalahan kita untuk improve kita punya performance baik dalam pembangunan diri mahupun dalam kejayaan DnT itu sendiri,
Tapi yang tak boleh tahan adalah apabila kita selalu ditegur and sampai ada rasa seolah-olah kita memang sentiasa buat salah,
Pernah tak rasa gini?
Kadang rasa dah penat dah nak fikir apa yang orang kata dan apa yang orang rasa,
Tapi kita manusia ni hidup bukan seorang tapi bermasyarakat,
Nak menjaga hati semua orang tu memang kena,
Malah Allah memang suruh kita jaga hubungan dengan manusia selepas menjaga hubungan dengan-Nya.

Bintulu, Sarawak


Saya Minta Maaf


Bila kita buat salah kat orang,
Sama ada kecik atau besar,
Kita pasti akan ada rasa nak mintak maaf kan?
And ada gak yang kata kata maaf tidak cukup untuk memadam kesalahan yang kita buat,
Sang Penulis cuba melihat kembali tentang pendapat ini,
Mungkin tidak ramai yang setuju mungkin juga ramai yang sekepala dengan Sang Penulis,

Saying sorry may means nothing to somebody,
Maybe because the situation is hardly to be accept by the pemohon maaf and pemberi maaf,
Tapi kan,
Years from now, 
We may think back what happen at the past,
And then remember that 'sorry' words,
This may be just a little things cause it is words not action,
But sometimes that little things can means a lot in a long run,
Maka seterusnya, kita akan jadi lebih menghargai dan mungkin akan menerima kata maaf itu,
Zaman berlalu dan umur meningkat pasti pengalaman juga semakin berkembang dek masa,
Dan kesalahan itu yang dulu lama kita mungkin tak dapat nak maafkan, 
kita akhirnya dapat memaakan,
Kemaafan mungkin memerlukan masa, 
Tapi tak pasti dalam tempoh singkat atau lama,
Bergantung kepada masalah/kesalahan tersebut.

Buat sang pemohon maaf pula,
Maaf itu mungkin tidak ada apa-apa andai kita masih lagi mengulangi kesalahan yang sama kepada Sang Pemberi Maaf,
Luka Sang Pemberi Maaf mungkin sangat dalam menyebabkan maaf Sang Pemohon Maaf tidak dapat diterima dengan baik,
Di sini, diuji pula kesabaran dan kesungguhan Sang Pemohon Maaf dalam ketulusannya dalam menyesali perbuatan itu,
Manusia sememangnya tidak sempurna dan pasti ada cacat celanya,
Jangan disangkan orang yang kita percaya kebaikannya tidak membuat kesilapan,
Sedarkah kita, menyangka bahawa mereka tidak akan buat kesilapan itu sebenanya sendiri adalah kesilapan?


Hidup memang ada pasang surutnya,
Ada insan yang kita boleh percayainya dan ada insan yang kita sukar nak percayainya,
Cuba kita dalam keadaan Sang Pemohon Maaf atau Sang Pemberi Maaf,
Masing-masing kita tidak sempurna,
Kadang-kadang tu kita terlalu cuai, pandang remeh and rigid akan sesuatu,
and kadang-kadang tu benda dah salah and kita tahu tapi kita tetap buat gak,
Lagi menerukkan keadaan di mana menyebabkan diri sendiri merasa bersalah dengan diri sendiri,
Benarlah, mujahadah itu memerlukan kekuatan azam dan kesungguhan tekad yang tak pernah mengalah.

And terkadang tu kita bergaduh dengan insan-insan yang rapat dengan kita,
Biarlah kita yang sakit daripada membiarkan insan yang kita sayang itu yang sakit,
Sakit benar bila melihat insan-insan yang kita sayang tersakiti disebabkan kita,
Maka dalam keadaan ini, 
Sang Penulis kira menjadi pemaaf dan meminta maaf sangat perlu,
untuk menjaga hubungan yang telah terbina,
Ukhwah terjalin in shaa Allah kerana-Nya,
ingatlah tentang term yang disebut sebagai berlapang dada, bertolak ansur, husnuzhon and 'itsar',
itu lebih bermakna bersemi dalam hati berbanding terus tidak memaafi atau meminta maaf,

Dan juga mungkin ada situasi di mana lebih baik meninggalkan sesuatu itu,
apabila dilihat insan yang kita sayang tu semakin sakit disebabkan kita,
apabila dilihat insan yang kita sayang tu semakin meninggalkan Allah disebabkan kita,
Semakin memburuk yang mana kita mungkin tak sedar tentangnya,
Maka pilihan untuk meninggalkan sesuatu yang ada tu mungkin adalah salah satu penyelesaian,
Atau mungkin juga adalah suatu 'penangguhan',
Sama ada baik mahupun buruk,
itu ketentuan Allah,
Dia lebih Mengetahui mana yang baik and mana yang buruk untuk kita hamba-Nya.

Bintulu, Sarawak.



Take Your Time

Sometimes is good to take some time for yourselves,
To realize on what we are not aware of when we are around people and the problem itself,
These few days since I came here in Bintulu, I think a lot,
where to the extend that I may make a decision on things that are not used to me,
Things may not going to be the same any longer either,
People change, things go wrong,
And is that I keep many things inside me,
without telling the others.

This Ramadhan I think is a meaningful Ramadhan ever I've been through,
So much meaningful things happen and so much challenge given by HIM,
All and all, and to you all too,
We all want to become a new person after this Ramadhan,
Take Ramadhan as a month for you to change,
To change for a better,
In shaa Allah,

Bintulu, Sarawak

Allahu Akbar!

Perdana Menteri Turki, Recep Tayyip Erdogan enggan bercakap dengan Naib Presiden baru Mesir Mohamed ElBaradei. Erdogan telah membuatkan pimpinan sementara Mesir tersebut marah selepas beliau menyatakan sokongannya pada presiden yang digulingkan,Dr Muhammad Mursi.

"Bagaimana saya boleh bercakap dengan anda? Anda tidak dipilih, anda telah dilantik oleh orkestra-orkestra rampasan kuasa," katanya pada hari Selasa, terhadap ElBaradei dalam ucapannya di laman web CNN-Turki itu.

Erdogan, pemimpin Parti Keadilan dan Pembangunan (AKP), telah menamakan rampasan kuasa itu sebagai "Musuh Demokrasi" dan berkata, Mursi adalah satu-satunya presiden yang sah di Mesir.

Kerajaan sementara di Kaherah telah mengatakan bahawa mereka sangat marah atas komen Erdogan tentang penggulingan Mursi, presiden pertama yang dipilih secara bebas di Mesir. [AFP]

Sumber : AlJazeera


Beat the Challenge!

Ramadhan is a month of bless,
I guess is not just about a month for us to get close to Allah, 
is also a month for us to know and to identify our selves,
our personality, our habit, our behaviour and whats more, maybe nafs.
In this month where syaitan has been chained, 
Still, we have to deal with our nafs,
is a challenge.

Bintulu, Sarawak.



What Are You Doing Here?

First Day of Ramadhan had passed,
So how was your day? (answer by yourselves) hehehe
Hope that we all can istiqomah on what we are doing,
It is always that the hardest and the longest effort will give out a big change,
If not the bad one, the good one,
Is all depends on HIM,

Allah, alhamdulillah
Thanks to YOU,
For giving us chances to meet Ramadhan again this year,
For every year have different way to approach Ramadhan,
As the ages goes up and due to several events occurred/ing in our life,
Result in different point of view and different way of action to be taken whenever Ramadhan is coming.

Actually what I really want to share at this post is about one thing,
Not just a thing but also is a question and may be a solution to some of us,
Words that knock down on my head and cause me to think back on what I have been doing right now,
Perhaps you too will think deep about this particular thing. :)

"What are you doing here?"

Sometimes we are forced to be in an environment/situation,
Sometimes we are just someone who like the things go on according to the flow,
Sometimes we are afraid to expose our deep potential,
Sometimes we might be that person who show only a constant improvement over several months/years of being in the field/job/work/project,
And sometimes we just want to enjoy on what we faced and somehow may also take things for granted,

Same goes for daie, a 'constant' improvement?
Actually, are we really take that chances to change ourselves when hidayah had come to our life?
Actually, are we really give out to maximize on what we do now?
Are we really convince on what we do now or else are we actually confused?
Are we afraid to change?
Do we are the one who like to sit on comfort zone and let the other things decide our decision?
 Actually, so far what we are doing here?

Imagine that things happen to ourselves until one day, 
Until one day where somebody figure out what we do and usually do,
The 'do' that we are not aware of and not realize about it,
They are the people who see who we are,
and perhaps the one who may observe the way we take/deal with something in this challenge life,
And that time, that person meet us and talk to us directly:

"What are you doing here?"

A question.
I guess that's 'not only' a question,
But also is a statement for what we might doing at that time,
So that we regain back what we actually want to pursue in this life,
Why we do that?
Who we are with? Who we are let go?
Where we are now? What position we are now? What course we take in university right now?
What is your goal in this life? 
And lots more question may appear in the mind.

A good question to think about it..... deeply.

Bintulu, Sarawak.


He's Coming

Already Come,
Alhamdulillah Allah, YOU give me another chances to meet Ramadhan,
Hope that I can do more better than the year before,
First night for Ramadhan,
Feeling calm,
Feeling blessed, wonderful and great,

Now is our choice,
Treat Ramadhan just like other months or take this oppurtinity to improve ourselves,

Bintulu, Sarawak


They Can Never Be Replace

I don't know if I am the one who is slow or I am the one who is not aware of what happen,
But they are still care about me, still love me,
Other people may not understand us and maybe leave us alone after every mistake that we have done to,
Other people may not accept us the way are and may not critics us the way they did critics us,
What I mean here is 'FAMILY'.

I wrote this with tears,
I may not show it to them and actually I am not good at showing love to anyone,
Maybe because I'd grow up with that kind of environment, 
I am not used to feel in love or being love by somebody,
But I know enough that my family love me even though they didn't show it,
I am really sorry to anyone who knows me,
I may looks cold to you but actually I am an easy cry person even for just small things. (tibe2 je)


Bintulu, Sarawak.



It is fitrah that human like something that is good, nice, beautiful and so on,
Thus it takes some effort to us to accomplished that good, nice and beautiful feeling/situation/environment,
I still remember what Ustaz Ali said yesterday in the program called as Ihya' Ramadhan at Masjid Asyakirin Bintulu,
And yes, I agree so much on what he said about the word that we all know, 
that is effort.

"Just do it,
Even though we may think that we may faced the obstacle that we never been think about,
In shaa Allah for the effort that we already begin with small step, Allah will help us for the rest things that we want to have/do,"
Just remember that we should not give up on making doa and never give up to take a try or action,
For that doa is the weapon of a Muslim,
Not just a weapon but also a symbolic of being a servant of Allah.

I have met many people at my town in this beautiful and unique of Sarawak,
It takes some times for me to adapt with the new environment and the new 'me',
Then I realize that something is changed inside me,
Something that was not being aware by me when I am at Kuala Lumpur,
Maybe I should agree enough now,
That experience can really make us change/d on the way we think, the way we see things, the way we deal with situation and so on,
Now, I don't regret on my decision,
To study far away from Sarawak, far from my close friends,
So that there is only me and the inside of me fighting togrther to take the challenge and grab the oppurtinity.

YOU knows best what I have been thinking,
and what I have been fight for, for the few months ago,
My heart just want to smile for the things that already happen,
And I should say and reflects that,
Going back to the past can be never be,
So what's matter now is what now and what in the future that we have to faced,
May Allah give us the strength to still walking together on this road,
The rare road taken by only some 'special' people chosen by Allah,
DnT. :')

Bintulu, Sarawak.


When It Comes

We know that there is something wrong with our iman,
When we are so reluctant or didn’t like to sit in majlis ilmu,
When we are no longer feel the sweetness of being close to Allah,
When we are not taking our religion seriously,
When we think that we are far better than anyone else,
When we think that we are the only one who is the right in the situation although there are much more better opinion about some things,
Then there is something wrong with our heart.

And when something happens to our life and at that time we think that there is no any other way to solve the problem,
Just like when plan A was not work, there is still other alphabet that can be used by us,
Expand our point of view and try to look at the problem from every angle,
Not just by the superficial and the things that we see,
But also the root of the problem,
which is the causes of the emerging problem that we faced,
Sometimes we never know the real problem until we see the problem as a whole.

Feeling enough with what we have is just the best way for us to feel good in what we are doing in everyday life,
Learn to accept things that Allah gives us,
That is the way for us to feel the ni’mat given by HIM,
The greatest ni’mat a servant has is the ni’mat that is received after the hardship given by HIM,
For the hardship and the test is all suitable for each of us,
HE know what’s best for us and what’s bad for us,
At the end of the day, we will finally realize that Allah really love us.

Bintulu, Sarawak.



See You Again Su-Su


People come and people go,
So do to my cat called Su-Su,
We have to let her go with the new owner from our very own relatives,
Although our heart say no,
This reflects something in my mind, 
Same goes to our life,
Letting go/Giving something that we truly love is better when we try to give something to someone,
For Allah in shaa Allah will replace what we have given to them, with something which are far more better than the present,
Maybe not now, maybe in the future,
What happen in the past, present and the future is all in Allah's hand,

And of course, things may not going go smoothly as we planned,
As we human, is the one who plan what we want to do, but the best planner is still Allah,
He have that power to change the things that He want to,
As a servant of HIM, we should always make doa,
So Allah will give us that strength to faced things in our life,
People, we can't stop them to judge and talk about us,
And yes, we can never be enough to serve people,
Let us concentrate on pleasing our Maker because that's what matters.

Bintulu, Sarawak.

Mesir is in Pain


I am not good enough to comment about what happen in Mesir,
But I try to give some of my opinion regarding this issues,
Their pain is our pain,
Their strength should also be our strength,
For Rasulullah SAW also said that,
" Anyone who does not care/find out about what happen to other Muslims, they were not part of us."

So sad to know that Morsi was not the leader of Mesir anymore,
Before this, I was just so excited on the news of Morsi being the leader of Mesir,
Even though at that time I was just updated about it through internet and then there it comes,
I may not in the same shoes as where the people of Mesir is right now,
But really,
Actually I just don't understand why they can't hold on for more than one year? 
And then could hold on for 30 years under Mubarak?
Mesir is not my country, but I still care about it,
Ikhwanul Muslimin is just a powerful organisation that the other party may afraid of,

Justice in a long run,
Indeed, is going to win,
Maybe not now, maybe later,
Maybe Allah know that we are not ready enough to take the responsibility,
Still got many things to do here even in Malaysia,
All these remind me that we may still not serious with what we are doing for DnT, for this ummah, for Allah,
Even if we win the government and the world,
is not enough when the people still have the disease inside ourselves,
The disease that is more dangerous in making things going worst more than the fall of the country itself,

Claiming that Morsi is dictator and Bashar is the choice of people???
Allah, there is hikmah behind all this things,
I believe that they are strong enough to face the fall of the leader of their country,
That's why Allah give this test to them and also all the Muslim around the world,
Sooner or later, justice will be prevail by the power of Allah itself,
Tak mengapa, ini baru gerhana, belum terbenam matahari lagi. 
Islam pasti nya tertegak suatu hari nanti.
In shaa Allah, Allah knows the best.

Bintulu, Sarawak.


Just Admit It

"If you make mistake in something. Just admit it."
Even though we may try to hide something from people around us,
Either within a long or short time,
everything will be eventually expose with/without our plan,
It is what Allah can do to us,
It is HIS power to make things go bad and go good,
All depends on our actions towards HIM when facing with the problem in our life.

Admitting our mistakes indeed is not a very easy things to do,
Why? And how it could be?
Because of ego,
Ego that prevent us being honest to ourself,
Everyone make mistakes,
And what's more important after every mistakes that we have done,
is how we try to regain back to the track,
Making mistakes is normal as we are all human.

Mistakes can be good and bad,
Depends on how one's perceive the mistake that one have been done,
Good cause it make us to improve more in the future and doesn't want to repeat the same mistake,
Bad cause it may lower our productivity in our activity,
When taking seriously, 
It may cause lower self-esteem and stress to the individual,
Mistake, which one we prefer to view it?

Bintulu, Sarawak.


Believe and Trust


People change. Cliche. 
Learned not to be 'too' attach to those people, 
Expecting them to 'repay' your 'fondness'. 
We all may also know how expectations can kill us right?
Learned also how to feel qanaah(feeling enough/cukup) with what Allah give to us,
Expect nothing and learn to accept others with what's good and what's bad of them,
In the end,
in shaa Allah all will fall into places that Allah has planned for us.

Believe and trust are two words that we often hear related to relationship,
Relationship between human and relationship with Allah especially,
Simply, we easily judge people by the way he/she write something,
by the way he/she explain or deal something,
all and all,
can reflect someone's personality and his/her point of view about something,
what's sad here is that, once we do things that is against what people expected,
they lose trust and believe to ourself,
Often that's all happen with or without our intention,

Believe and trust,
I would say and I agree that,
Trust is like an eraser,
Its getting smaller and smaller after every mistake,
We may forgive someone, but the hurts is still there in our heart,
Not long after that, 
Yes, we can forgive but never forget I guess,
Because we don't want the same things happen to us in the future,
Takes everything happen at the past as a lesson,

Even it hurts and hard to forget,
But the need to let go is crucial even though our heart say no,
Especially when things are not really sure,
And we are just playing with our own games,

Bintulu, Sarawak.


I Realize They Getting Older

If you can treat your aunt/uncle and friends nicely, 
why don't you do the same to your parents?
This questions keep playing in my mind for these few days,
Accept them and accept ourself for who they are and who we are,
It has been so long since that time,
Perhaps takes some times to even realize it,
That our parents is getting old day by day,
Watching them sleeping without they even knew about it,
Make me thing all this things,
That old years is proven through lining of the skin that eventually change as the age come step by step day by day.

Allah say,
Do good deeds to your mom and dad,
And should not say something that may hurt them with/without our intention,
And yes,
I think we should also respect them as much as we respect ourself,
Love them as much as we love ourself,
We are just too busy to settle things in our life,
Study, ambition, friends, works, and so on,
Until we may forget about them,
Believe me,
If something turn somewhat good as what we plan in our life,
It doesn't the same without our close people around us,
Especially our very own family.


p/s: I am home. Not long enough staying here, just got some works/tasks to do. In shaa Allah, for the coming Ramadhan, for the ummah. :)

Bintulu, Sarawak