
Muslim 100% | Muslim 50-50% | Muslim 0%

Today may different from yesterday...
People changes throughout his/her journey in this path of Allah...
dakwah and tarbiyah help us to learn what is our mistakes and repair what should be prepare...
Ego, sombong, berlagak tahu akan semuanya...
in the end will juat bring us to the wrong view in dakwah and tarbiyah...

the most important is our friends who are with us...
friends who will sincerely and directly tegur what mistakes did we do is the best...
or else we did not know do we really did our job?
A job? I mean dakwah n tarbiyah...

Do we really understand what for do we attend majlis-majlis ilmu/daurah/seminar..?
Do we practices what had been learn by us?
do we really want to be a 100% muslim who support seruan Nabi Muhammad SAW and bergerak following the Prophet Muhammad SAW?
Do we a 0% muslim who oppose what Nabi Muhammad SAW do,together with his follower?
Do we a 0% muslim who only know to said that said this do that do this think this think that but in the end is silent, did not doing anything, did not doing any job in this dakwah and tarbiyah?

Dakwah and tarbiyah is not something that we just hear, think and learn, it needs our understanding and our practising in our life.
Are we a 50-50% muslim who are still was-was in this path of Allah?
Do we really have dispose and destroy our jahiliyah?
Are we a total muslim who practice islam in syumul way?

Do we just owh....say yes if one person give opinion to us without thinking what pro and con of the opinion in our dakwah and tarbiyah?
Do we taklid buta in practising anything that we learn in dakwah and tarbiyah?
Or are you thinking the reason beneath what you have been going through?
Do you really understand why we should find mad'u2 yg dahagakan love from Allah?

Do we really practising islam behind our akhwat/ikhwah friends of us?
Do we sincerely put whole our heart to this path of Allah?
Do we enough sacrifice what we love, our time, our sleep and whatever that we can do in this dakwah and tarbiyah?
How well do we absorb what we learn from kitab tauhid, kisah sahabat, sirah nabi, tafsir and so on?
If so, do we practise it and sampaikan to others?
All in all, we should think and think..

Don't stop thinking, don't be taklid...
Salam dakwah and tarbiyah..
salam ukhwah and kasih sayang...

salam DnT

Kuala Lumpur


  1. Do we enough sacrifice what we love, our time, our sleep and whatever that we can do in this dakwah and tarbiyah?*sigh*

  2. Peringatan juga untuk diri sendiri
