
Arggghh! | I Fall in Love

Last day, we have just attend one event which is located at the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) Bangi Campus. The reason for us to go there was that there were one talk about love given by Sheikh Rohimuddin Nawawi Al-Bantani Azmalkhan. He is penasihat Markaz al-Jailani Asia Tenggara. The name of the talk is A Treatise on Mystical Love.

Well, there were a lot of things that we learn from that talk.

Allah love us and that is why He create us, born in this world. Logically in our daily life, for example we want to draw one picture. There must be a strong desire that comes from our heart to make the drawing and there is love in other for us to move our hands-start drawing.

So that is to Allah. Allah create us because He love us. We are not aware enough on His existing in our life and even not aware enough on the love given by Allah. Sweet things may not come twice.

Petunjuk Allah itu bila ia datang hargailah, kerana mungkin pada masa yang lain, anda tidak lagi boleh merasai nikmat ingin mendekati Allah, Pencipta kita. Mungkin pada masa yang lain, kita malah tiada masa lagi dan malah hati sudah menjadi batu sehingga terlambat untuk kembali.

Now, who is the one that we fall in love with? It is not about how we are afraid to face people perception about us, it is about how you beat and win. In our heart, there are a kind and a bad characteristics. It is us, the one who choose to choose what we want to be.

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