
Arggghh! | I Fall in Love

Last day, we have just attend one event which is located at the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) Bangi Campus. The reason for us to go there was that there were one talk about love given by Sheikh Rohimuddin Nawawi Al-Bantani Azmalkhan. He is penasihat Markaz al-Jailani Asia Tenggara. The name of the talk is A Treatise on Mystical Love.

Well, there were a lot of things that we learn from that talk.

Allah love us and that is why He create us, born in this world. Logically in our daily life, for example we want to draw one picture. There must be a strong desire that comes from our heart to make the drawing and there is love in other for us to move our hands-start drawing.

So that is to Allah. Allah create us because He love us. We are not aware enough on His existing in our life and even not aware enough on the love given by Allah. Sweet things may not come twice.

Petunjuk Allah itu bila ia datang hargailah, kerana mungkin pada masa yang lain, anda tidak lagi boleh merasai nikmat ingin mendekati Allah, Pencipta kita. Mungkin pada masa yang lain, kita malah tiada masa lagi dan malah hati sudah menjadi batu sehingga terlambat untuk kembali.

Now, who is the one that we fall in love with? It is not about how we are afraid to face people perception about us, it is about how you beat and win. In our heart, there are a kind and a bad characteristics. It is us, the one who choose to choose what we want to be.


Muslim 100% | Muslim 50-50% | Muslim 0%

Today may different from yesterday...
People changes throughout his/her journey in this path of Allah...
dakwah and tarbiyah help us to learn what is our mistakes and repair what should be prepare...
Ego, sombong, berlagak tahu akan semuanya...
in the end will juat bring us to the wrong view in dakwah and tarbiyah...

the most important is our friends who are with us...
friends who will sincerely and directly tegur what mistakes did we do is the best...
or else we did not know do we really did our job?
A job? I mean dakwah n tarbiyah...

Do we really understand what for do we attend majlis-majlis ilmu/daurah/seminar..?
Do we practices what had been learn by us?
do we really want to be a 100% muslim who support seruan Nabi Muhammad SAW and bergerak following the Prophet Muhammad SAW?
Do we a 0% muslim who oppose what Nabi Muhammad SAW do,together with his follower?
Do we a 0% muslim who only know to said that said this do that do this think this think that but in the end is silent, did not doing anything, did not doing any job in this dakwah and tarbiyah?

Dakwah and tarbiyah is not something that we just hear, think and learn, it needs our understanding and our practising in our life.
Are we a 50-50% muslim who are still was-was in this path of Allah?
Do we really have dispose and destroy our jahiliyah?
Are we a total muslim who practice islam in syumul way?

Do we just owh....say yes if one person give opinion to us without thinking what pro and con of the opinion in our dakwah and tarbiyah?
Do we taklid buta in practising anything that we learn in dakwah and tarbiyah?
Or are you thinking the reason beneath what you have been going through?
Do you really understand why we should find mad'u2 yg dahagakan love from Allah?

Do we really practising islam behind our akhwat/ikhwah friends of us?
Do we sincerely put whole our heart to this path of Allah?
Do we enough sacrifice what we love, our time, our sleep and whatever that we can do in this dakwah and tarbiyah?
How well do we absorb what we learn from kitab tauhid, kisah sahabat, sirah nabi, tafsir and so on?
If so, do we practise it and sampaikan to others?
All in all, we should think and think..

Don't stop thinking, don't be taklid...
Salam dakwah and tarbiyah..
salam ukhwah and kasih sayang...

salam DnT

Kuala Lumpur


O' Daie | Wake | Up !!!

People say, today is not the same to the day before that we have gone through...and today is the time for us to maximize what we want to do and what we want to achieve,maybe not to just for our own but as weel as for the ummah... InsyaAllah, we faced a lot of choices throughout our life. For example, we have to decide we want to finish up our assigntment or else we want to study for the upcoming exam that we are going to face.

" Why do your face look so sad?" ask kak D.

" I am still confuse about one thing. Do we need to wear stocking while we are practicing tae kwon do, and the situation is I am in front of an ajnabi? Know that tae kwon do involve many steps of twisting our feet and afraid that it will cause to be injured during practise."

The naqibah answered without hesitated and briefly she explain.
" Before I answer that question, may I ask you something. Why are you joining tae kwon do? Does it can help to bring the ummah back to islam?"

All silent cannot give the answer directly decided to just answer it from the heart. But truthfully, their view have just been blurred for a while for the reason that.....

The naqibah look at us and the most to the one who ask the question.
" Why are attending usrah? What do you get from ISK and IPK before this? Are you clear enough!? Zati, help her to understand the real thing!" They were shocked, that was their first time to meet their naqibah. But here it is, daie is not someone which is 'manja'.

All akhwat and ikhwah did a very big work out there, very big that someone have no time to think about how he or she disappoint, sad, happy, hate or wasting time. In short, he or she have more priorities and it is all for the ummah. No time to think about the small things.

" Then, what is your intention on joining tae kwon do?"

They know that their naqibah did not push them to leave tae kwon do as before this she just leave that decision to them whether they want to or they don't want to. But from that, they learn something and appreciate it.

" I hope that you can get all the tae kwon do people that join with you in your University in the end, will willing to join usrah."

Yes, it is because of mad'u. They start to be close with there mad'u when they are joining tae kwon do but that willing happen when a week have been past since they join tae kwon do, and is not happen from the beginning. And it will be hard for the person to control his or her intention, to change back the intention to join or do something just because of Allah along the way.

Timetable also are very compact as they are also in charge in some leadership organisation in the university so they must leave one of them or the other activities that they have join. It is the first and a very hard decision made. In this path of Allah, yes we cannot avoid to sacrifice the value things that we have and also what we want.

Our focus is our ummah back to islam back, for syahadatul haq. For D&T that are more focusing to the objective we are going to do and get insyaAllah. Our eyes perhaps want to close fall asleep like everyone else but our mind still are very fresh thinking or do other activities for D&T insyaAllah. The risk is there, daie must contain his or her heart full with that. 'Tiada kata dua untuk D&T'. No two words when it comes to D&T.

Usrah is not the place to do a nice things. It is the place to do a bad things. Yes, a bad things. why bad things? They all also questioning the same questions when their naqibah said like that. But to be true, she said:

" Usrah is not the place to do a nice things it is the place to do a bad things. Bad things that will change the world, bad things that will memporak-perandakan dunia dengan kalimah syahadatul haq yang hendak disampaikan kepada dunia."

They could not forget about that night. So, don't be a daie which is sleep not doing anything. Being far from the group is not the reason for them to not improve their D&T, not the reason for them to feel down or not being aware of. There is no time to think about that, our place is in tragic. Can they attract as many student as we can in this university into the usrah?

Yeah, insyaAllah. One day. Hope that this post will inspire the readers and also for me to read through this again and inspired directly.

Salam D&T to all the readers reading my post.


Berubahkah | Kita ???

Berubahkah aku hanya bila ada sesuatu,
Terus aku pulang pada sikap sebelum ku berubah,
hanya sekadar sesuatu tak berapa lamapun,
Jarang kuterendap dalam sikap dimana ku berubah.

Tuhan, aku hanya manusia,
Mudah berubah lagi dalam sekejap,
Tuhan aku ingin berubah,
Dan kubertahan dalam perubahanku,

Coming | Soon

About Brother Lim Jooi Soon....

Unleash the Da'ie in you!!

Bekas penganut Buddha dan Kristian 'Evangelical Protestant'.

Pernah mengikuti 'Correspondence Bible Study Training' di South Australia.

pernah mengikuti kursus 'Training the Trainer' anjuran Nuruddin Lemu dan Aisya Rodrigo daripada Islamic Education Trust, Nigeria.

Penganjur kepada kursus 'Interactive Da'wah Training' (IDT), PERKIM Ampang.

Penceramah jemputan untuk Jabatan Agama, Agensi Kerajaan dan Swasta, Universiti dan Gereja di dalam serta luar negara.

Terlibat dalam Forum Perbandingan Agama.

Penasihat PERKIM Cawangan Ampang.

Menerima tauliah daripada Jabatan Agama Islam Negeri Selangor (JAIS) dalam bidang Perbandingan Agama.

Penulis buku bertajuk '7 Persoalan Berkenaan Asas-asas Agama Kristian',Mengulas karya saudara Farhan(kristianisas dan gejala murtad di malaysia),menjawab ketuhanan jesus,Menterjemah Authenticity Of Quran

1st Poster | Made by | Me

Jazakillah kak Zatil and kak Na'imah for the Bengkel Poster which had been done this day... a lot of new things that we all get from that bengkel.

Poster is some kind of new way of dakwah nowadays as the times goes on time to time.... :D

Important steps of making the poster:
-not for ria'
-just because of Allah
-the poster must be attractive
-be creative
-choose a better fonts
-decide where to put the fonts placements and its description
-and so on........................

In other to downloads beautiful fonts, here is some suggestion, go HERE. In other to search for suitable picture to make a poster, here is some suggestion. But just choose the suitable one for our poster. Click HERE. However, we can also search for the picture from the google search engine. We use Microsoft Power Point to make the poster and Adobe Photoshop in other to make banner.

I don't know how to explain the way to make the poster and the banner here, it looks like I am going to make a bengkel for that too, hu3.

Try it...


Are | You | Tired ???

(gambar hiasan)



Leadership | Skill | Kawa Model

(gambar hiasan semata-mata)

Leadership skill is very familiar in any organization especially in the university, college or even school. One of the leadership that I am trying to say here is the leadership in an Islamic program. All need our only intention is only because of Allah, not because of us wanting to get a high reputation, respects or popularities itself.

Intention. It is easy to say but we must practices it in our daily life, to the Islamic Program that we are conduct too. So that the program that we are trying to conduct may get the mardhatillah from Allah.

Ikhtilat is the major important things in other to works in a group with muslimeen. Of course, we don't want the program to be ruin just because of the ikhtilat that we unable to protect. Ikhtilat is the relationships between muslimeen and muslimat.

Allah knows what in the heart of His servants. And he has the power towards the successful of an event that His servants are taking in charge with. Yes, of course. He created us and He knows us well better than anyone else in this world of His creations.

Just like a car. There must be the creator of the car, its component, wire2, battery and so on. So, anything about the car that he himself created, he knows. Same goes to Allah. He created us and He know us more ever.

"Indeeds, when My servants ask thee concerning me, then surely I am very close. I will answer prayers of a praying if he calls me."
Al-Baqarah : 186

Everyone has different opinion in what they think about the things that they do. Try to stop presenting your opinion for a while and lend our ears to the others to give there opinion too. We are not working by our own.

Play with our time. Time management. When we are busy with the organization/organizations, the times for us to study, rest or so on maybe becomes limits as the times goes by.

Looking down on the others is not the right things to do. Others may have more experience in the leadership areas than us. We can also take some times and share the experiences.

I am also talking to myself, not just the readers. It is for me too. Sorry but I can't always updating my blog this while.

This morning, we have an event for the Occupational Therapy students in Malaysia. A lot of people are attending that event.

The event are talking about the Kawa Model. If you are interested to know and are very hardworking to know new things about the Kawa Model. Just click HERE.

And HERE. :D

InsyaAllah, I will post one post especially for the Kawa Model. I am still wants to explore and know what is the Kawa Model is actually. Iwama M.K., one of the creator of the Kawa Model together with other Japanese. After long journey of his life to get the best of the choice to make in choosing the job to be work, he choose Occupational Therapy (OT).

" I am glad that I am an Occupational Therapy in this world."

Everyone love to hear that words when he said that. He had gone through a lot of challenges in other to create the Kawa Model. A lot of experience that he has gone through. The talk had give some new and great inspiration to the newer in an Occupational Therapy fields too.


Now | or | Never

Tonight is a pensive moment...
think and think...
a lot of time, thought and energy have been wasted...
for something which is useless (perhaps without realizing it)
looking for the future, lot of things to be done...

feets, hands and all the body seemed to be shiver, scary...
the eyes cannot close, sleepless...
thinking a lot of things in the head...
thinking about the da'wah which we are doing...
da'wah do not need us, but we need the da'wah...

however, how much extent do we have spent our energy, times and thought...
for Allah, Islam and da'wah....
don't compare his da'wah with his da'wah and her da'wah with her da'wah..
see first, for how the da'wah doing by our own
perbaikilah dan serulah the best we can..

I know that this road is a long road...
and it pick a very high patience...
worry to be falling anywhere along the long road, maybe in the middle of the long road...
until the patience itself falling apart...
this night cannot fall asleep, the eyes...

so how can the eye sleep fall asleep...
Harun Yahya himself once said:
It is impossible for Muslims to sleep soundly on the bed without any feelings of responsible in their hearts, wasting their time, and think only about the importance and fun of himself only during extreme extreme violence taking place around the world. This is because THE MUSLIMS BELIEVERS know that the key to solving the problem of unjust wars, massacres, cruelty, starvation, & the cronic of social problems, in short all the problems in this world ir to spread the mesage contained in the Quran.

SubhanAllah, seems like those words always appear within the box of thought...
thrown into the big city which always alive 24 hours...
also thrown into one university in the metropolitan city...
my intention is not to show off, but to open or reopen the mind of the readers...
reading by our heart not only the logical...

I remember clearly one story...
There are once, saidina Umar and his friends are sitted in a room,
Saidina Umar asks, " Have a dream !".

One of his friends said, " I dream that this room will be occupy by a lot of property, so that I can give it in the road of Allah."

Then Saidina Umar said again, " Have a dream !"

Then, one of other friends said, " I dream that this room will be occupy by the gold and jewellery, so that I can give it in the road of Allah."

Saidina Umar said again, " Have a dream!"

His friends said, " O Amirul Mukminin, we don't know what you are dream off. What do you want this room to be fill?"

Saidina Umar answered, " I dream that this room fill with 'rijal-rijal' like Muaz b. Jabal, Abu Ubaidah Al-Jarrah, Salim the servant of Huzaifah for I use them to uphold the rule of Allah, so that I can send them in the road of Allah."

And I, I want to be one of the rijal like them...
one akhwat once said that, it is not impossible as long as we try harder...
a small step maybe will give a big change..
insyaAllah, begin a new step with bismillah....

Chayoak2!!! (opps, over excited dorrr...)
dream together-gether...


Kita | Pun | Boleh | Lah... ~~~

1. Jabir ibn Haiyan (Geber) – Bapa bagi ilmu kimia, meninggal dunia pada circa 803.

2. Al – Asmai – Ilmuan bagi jurusan Zoology, Botany, dan penjagaan haiwan. Meninggal pada

tahun 828.

3. Al – Khwarizmi (Algorizm) – Pakar matematik, ilmu falaq, geography. Meninggal pada 840.

4. “Amr ibn Bahr Al – Jahiz (776 – 868) – Ilmuan zoology, pakar bahasa Arab, rhetoric dan lexicography.

5. Ibn Ishaq Al – Kindi (Alkindus) – Ilmuan philosophy, physic, optics, perubatan, matematik dan kajian logam.

6. Thabit ibn Qurrah (Thebit) – Pakar astronomy, mekanikal, geometry dan anatomy.

7. ‘Abbas ibn Firnas – mekanikal penerbangan, planetarium, kristal buatan. Meninggal pada tahun 888.

8. Ali ibn Rabban Al – Tabari – Perubatan, matematik, kaligraphi, dan sastera.

9. Al – Battani (Albategnius) – Ahli falaq, matematik dan trigonometri.

10. Al – Farghani (Al – Fraganus) – Ahli falaq, kejuruteraan awam.

11. Al – Razi (Rhazes) – Perubatan, Ophthalmology, cacar, kimia dan astronomy.

12. Al – Farabi (Al – Pharabius) – Sociology, Logic Philosophy, Sains Politik dan muzik.

13. Abul Hasan Ali Al – Mas’udi – Sejarah dan geography.

14. Al – Sufi (Azophi) – Ilmu falaq

15. Abu Al – Qasim Al – Zahravi (Albucasis) – Pembedahan, perubatan, Bapa kepada ilmu

pembedahan modern.

16. Muhammad Al – Buzjani – Matematik, Astronomy, Geometry, dan Trigonometry.

17. Ibn Al – Haitham (Alhazen) – Fizik, Optics dan matematik.

18. Al – Mawardi (Alboacen) – Sains politik, sociology, perundangan dan etika.

19. Abu Raihan Al – Biruni – Astronomy, Matematik (determined earth’s circumference)

20. Ibn Sina (Avicenna) – Perubatan, philosophy, matematik dan astronomy. Meninggal pada

tahun 1037.

21. Al – Zarqali (Arzachel) – Ilmu falaq, pencipta Astrolabe.

22. Omar Al – Khayyam – Sajak, matematik.

23. Al – Ghazali (Algazel) – Sociology, Ilmu ugama, philosophy.

24. Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn Yahya (Ibn Bajjah) – Philosophy, perubatan, matematik,

astronomy, sastera, dan muzik.

25. Ibn Zuhr (Avenzoar) – Pembedahan, perubatan.

26. Al – Idrisi (Dreses) – Geography, (Peta dunia dan pencipta globe yang pertama).

27. Ibn Tufayl Abdubacer – Philosophy, perubatan, sastera.

28. Ibn Rushd (Averroes) – Philosophy, undang – undang, perubatan, ilmu falaq, theology.

29. Al – Bitruji (Alpetragius) – Ilmu Falaq.

30. Ibn Al – Baitar – farmasi, botani.

31. Nasir Al – Din Al – Tusi – Ilmu falaq, Non – Euclidean geometry.

32. Jalal Al – Din Rumi - Sociology. Hidup antara tahun 1207 – 1273.

33. Ibn Al – Nafis Damishqui – Anatomy. Hidup antara tahun 1213 – 1288.

34. Al – Fida (Abdulfeda) – Ilmu falaq, geography, sejarah.

35. Muhammad Ibn Abdullah (Ibn Battuta) – Pengembara, mencatat sejarah dalam pengembaraan sejauh
75,000 batu daripada Morocco ke China, pergi dan balik. Meninggal dunia pada tahun 1369.

36. Ibn Khaldun – Sociology, falsafah sejarah, sains politik. Meninggal dunia pada tahun 1395.

37. Ulugh Beg – Ahli falaq. Meninggal dunia pada tahun 1449.

Ketahuilah sesungguhnya kepunyaan Allahlah apa yang di langit dan di bumi. Sesungguhnya

Dia mengetahui keadaan yang kamu berada di dalamnya (sekarang).
Dan (mengetahui pula)

hari (manusia) dibangkitkan kepada Nya, lalu diterangkan Nya kepada mereka

apa yang telah mereka kerjakan. Dan Allah Maha mengetahui segala sesuatu.

An Nuur: 64.